The aesthetics of a yacht are often subjective with everyone having their own personal preferences. However, when the entire Fountaine Pajot sailing catamarans range is seen, beautifully aligned in a marina, you cannot help but be struck by the beauty of its stylistic coherence. The catamarans’ symmetry and elegance are not only splendid to behold, but their design transcends mere aesthetics to deliver numerous other advantages.
“The reason our yachts are instantly recognised today among so many others is because they have all evolved from this heritage, as have the 45 models designed since then. While advancing with the times, the design of Fountaine Pajot catamaran sailboats still remains timeless.”
First, we design a sailboat so that it performs well
Its reason is born from its original purpose: catamarans that are designed to sail long distances, in harmony with the elements, imbued with a philosophy of shared enjoyment. Since their first collaboration in 1991 – with the Marquises 56 – Fountaine Pajot and Berret-Racoupeau have built a strong relationship with a mutual undertanding of their twofold objective: to make that which is beautiful effective, and to make that which is functional aesthetically flawless.
Whether you’re enjoying her onboard or admiring her at anchor, the impression is unchanging and lingering: a beautiful yacht that captivates your attention. The consideration invested in her interior design, both in terms of materials and colours, injects a touch of refined character. This beguilement remains, whether the boat is moored or in motion, as you will see time and again.